Monthly Progress Report


Progress Report Philosophy

Our Progress Report will be sent out monthly to students and parents via email. They will include:

  • A record of each lesson’s learning goal

  • A record of each lesson’s learning activities

  • A summary of the student’s monthly assessment with strength and areas for improvement

Parents are also welcome to provide feedback at this time of their child’s learning progress.


Examplar Progress Report

Click on the image to see an example of our Monthly Progress Report.

Teaching Journal: Student Progress Tracking


Teaching Journal Philosophy

Our tutors completes a teaching journal after every session and will include:

  • Student’s Learning Goals

  • Student’s Overall Progress and Accomplishments Achieved

  • Areas for Improvement

  • Tutor’s Plan for Next Lesson

Feel free to meet with our tutors at the end of the lesson if you have any feedback!


Exemplar Teaching Journal

Click on the image to see an example of our Teacher’s Journal Entry Template.